Hours of Operation
It is the intention of the Library Board of Trustees that the Maywood Public Library will be open forty plus hours each week. The Library Director, with the approval of the Board of Trustees, will determine days and hours of operation. A summer and closing schedule may be established to optimize staffing during periods of heavy and light library usage.
Regularly scheduled hours of operation will be established to best meet the needs of the library users and will be evaluated on a regular basis.
The Library will close on holidays established annually by the Board of Trustees and at other times deemed necessary by the Library Director with the approval of the Board of Trustees. Except in the case of emergencies, notice of closings will be posted in the library two weeks in advance.
Unscheduled Closings
It may, on rare occasions, be necessary to close the library for an emergency (e.g., excessive ice and snow, inclement weather, lack of heat or electricity in the building). When a potential emergency arises, the Library Director must accurately report the conditions to the President of the Board of Trustees for approval to close. When the board President is not available, one of the other officers of the Board of Trustees will be contacted for approval to close. Emergency closings will be posted as follows where possible:
- Front door of the library
- Library website
- BCCLS “Closing” website
- Library’s answering machine
Approved by the Maywood Public Library Board of Trustees June 17, 2015